Inkscape Extension
Inkporter is now available as an Inkscape extension. You can find it on the Inkscape Extension Gallery Page. To use this extension, you should make sure all dependencies are installed first. Here is a complete guide to installing this extension.
For Linux
If you are already using the Gimpscape PPA, it will also install the Inkporter extension in your Inkscape program automatically. If you want to install it manually, please copy Inkporter to the Inkscape extension directory.
Just copy and paste inkporter.inx,, and inkporter directory to the Inkscape extension directory, usually in $HOME/.config/inkscape/extensions
for Linux.
To make Inkporter run correctly, please make sure that these dependencies are already installed on your system:
webp / libwebp
zenity (for Linux & MacOS)
For Windows
Copy inkporter.inx,, inkporter.bat and inkporter directory to the Inkscape Extensions directory. By default it's in %APPDATA%\Inkscape\extensions
for Windows.
For Inkporter to run correctly, make sure that the following dependencies are already installed on your system and that you have added them to the PATH environment variables:
Ghostscript 32bit
webp / libwebp
Unable to find extensions
directory for your Inkscape installation?
directory for your Inkscape installation?You can find it here: Edit > Preferences > System
menu. Then look at the User extensions
path in the System Info
For MacOS
You need to do perform a little trick to make Inkporter work on MacOS. After you put all the extension files into the extension directory, run Inkscape with following instructions:
Last updated
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